When I got the email that 311 gave me a photo pass, I couldn't believe it. This was the largest venue I had ever gotten a photo pass for, not counting Warped Tour. Warped took took place at this same venue, but I had gotten that photo pass through a workshop, and this photo pass I was given to by the band.
This concert was an insane roller coaster of emotions. When I arrived at the venue, they had not yet received the list of approved photographers, and so I was unable to bring my camera into the venue. They told me to contact whoever gave me the photo pass, and let them know about the situation. So I left my camera in a cooler in the car and entered the venue will panicking and sending an email, hoping that the manager would randomly check his email. Halfway through the concert, I got a reply. We emailed back and forth while he was contacting the venue. They were able to sort everything out, and he was able to work it out with them that I would be able to leave the venue, get my camera from the car, and then be escorted back into the no re-entry venue as long as I did it right before 311's set. Unlike other venues I had gotten photo passes at, this venue had a rule that you could only have your camera in the venue for the first three songs of the band you were assigned, and then you would be escorted back out of the venue. So, when the second to last band ended, I ran out the venue got my camera, then met back up at the photographers entrance. I was then led to a break room where I hung out with the other photographers until showtime. Sitting on that couch I learned that everyone else was there representing a publication. A few of them were even working with Live Nation. As a freelance photographer taking pictures just for myself and the band, I felt a strange mix of both luck and impostor syndrome.
Then it was finally time to head over to the photo pit. Standing in the pit, up against the stage with my camera, all of my worries faded away and I was just purely excited. I had never seen 311 before so I had no idea what to expect. As they took the stage, I was beyond happy when the stage light up with lots of color and great photographer friendly lighting. I had so much fun during these three songs, and I was so proud of the photos I was taking. All of the craziness and stress from earlier in the day, ended up being worth it.
I spent the whole next day sorting and editing my photos, and then sent them off to the band. I later received a thank you email with something I hadn't expected. I was informed that some of my photos were going to end up on their official website. I couldn't believe it. In the past, I had occasionally had a band member post one of my photos on their Instagram or in their Instagram stories, but this was so much more than that. This was an achievement that I had not expected, and I was once again so incredibly proud of myself and what I was able to accomplish.
You can check out my favorite pictures from the show below, and can check out my feature on their website here.